Tuesday, 30 September 2014

The Simple Hardware Bracelet

Here's why I don't mind an occasional visit to the hardware store.
I bought stuff I cannot name and made this foolproof DIY bracelet.
Tip: I strongly suggest using super glue to prevent the bracelet from falling apart.



Anita Puksic said...

Oo, pa prav super zgleda! Jaz sem se pa spraĊĦevala, le kaj bo iz tega nastalo :D

inkarlcerating said...

brilliant brilliant!!!

random cat said...

ej, pa stvarno je genijalna :) ne znam od kog je to materijala, ostavlja li boju, da je malo i prelakiramo za svaki slucaj?

Sarah Iracheni said...

This is so nice!

Sarah Iracheni said...

This is so nice!

S. said...

I definitely have to give this a try! It turned out perfect!

\ Indigo Lights