Wednesday, 22 January 2014

The Homage

Céline AW 2013/14 was stuck in my head, so I had to get it out of my system.

sweater: Wallis / skirt: New Look / boots: ASOS / clutch: IKEA laptop case / bracelet: via eBay


Estera Lovrec said...

Love it <3

Sarah Iracheni said...

You look gorgeous, dear!

inkarlcerating said...

YOU KINDA LOOK like phoebe herself.. i love yah. thanks for the sweet comments!

have a TGIF day

cyeoms said...

celine is strong in you, that sweater is a perfect substitute!
ps love that it's a laptop bag haha repurposed!

maya said...

So good!! Love that laptop case, i'm going to ikea for that! :)



heartbeats // VIENNA WEDEKIND

Unknown said...

This outfit looks so cosy. I'm all about the high neckline myself - been bitten by the Céline bug too.

The Habit said...

I absolutely loved that collection too and this is such a great take on the styling of it. So slick and you pull it off perfectly.


The Habit