Tuesday, 31 December 2013

The 2013

In 2013, I purged, simplified, and minimized - and I shall continue to do so in 2014. I wish everybody a wonderful year ahead.


InnyVinny said...

Blue looks so good on you. Dare I say your picks look like a runway collection? I dare!

Happy new year, my dear Ducks!


Unknown said...

blue is your color, huh? I can understand that as is looks absolutely fabulous on you, babe!


cyeoms said...

a fellow blue lover!
i'm curious are you adverse to red tone clothing as well or is it just me?

WOLF359 said...

Love the blue accents!
Especially the last one, with the more earthy tones. It really pops!

melissa said...

Blue is your colour xx

ALICE said...

love your style! amazing!

Rachel Nguyen said...

Love that you can see the consistency in all your outfits as if it were a full lookbook!

But ugh, purging and simplifying is exactly what I need right now.