Did I mention my aversion to regular shopping yet? That said, obtaining new (or not so new) stuff to wear from time to time is inevitable, and this outfit actually illustrates some of my favorite ways of doing that: buying second hand, customizing, reusing old, sometimes even forgotten items, and only buying new when it's really necessary (or when I'm so delighted with an item that I'm positive I'll get a great deal of use from it). I bought this turtleneck tee at my favorite second hand shop. The pants used to be my mom's; she decided it was time to let them go this summer and apart from being too short, they fit me perfectly, so I just had them shortened some more and turned into cropped pants. The jacket is another thing that got passed on from my mom to me and then to a friend, and after several years it found its way back to me this year; I gladly embraced it due to its color, quilted texture, and the neoprene-like fabric. The boots were a gift from another friend who noticed them on my wishlist and gave them to me for my birthday last year. It was a "love at first sight" kind of affair; I liked them immediately and knew I'd wear them constantly (which I did and still do). The bag is second hand, too (bought on eBay), while the necklace is something I had bought a long time ago and found it in my jewelry stash during a recent purge.
turtleneck: Giorgio (second hand) / pants: no name, customized / jacket: Mango / boots: ASOS / bag: via eBay / necklace: H&M
Jakna res ni švoh!
srodna dusa <3 tako je najbolje tako je najposebnije. strasno mi se svidja kombinacija, kad svedeno i crno ima preokret, a preokret su ovde ja bih rekla kroj pantalona i cizmice. i da, super za vladajuce vremenske prilike :)
Ok, it's official - you are my soul sister. Delimo isti stav prema maminoj odeci ili stvarima iz second hand prodavnica. Reakcije ljudi kad im kazem gde sam zapravo nabavila nesto su neprocenjive, ima svega - od divljenja mojoj sposobnosti da iskopam nesto tako dobro, do gadjenja sto nosim stvar koja je pripadala nekoj nepoznatoj osobi. Mene briga, em stedim pare em cuvam okolinu "recikliranjem" em izgledam odlicno! Haha :) Kombinacija je odlicna, moracu i ja da se bacim u nabavku rolki - jedna crna i jedna bela su obavezne! x
It's perfect! I like the boots and the small silver neck detail.
Unsuspected perfection
Slazem se - i ekoloski, i eticki, i modno - re-use/re-cycle je mantra! Od maminih i bakinih ormara do buvljih pijaca...A ovaj kombo je bas bezvremen, podseca me na Chloe ili Celine!
p.s. moram priznati da volim da kupim i nesto novo, ali ako je na ogromnom snizenju - tako imam utisak da sam prevarila sistem :)
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