Sunday, 8 September 2013


Autumn is upon us, whether I want it or not (I don't). As always, I'm not ready to part with summer dresses and sandals, so I'm pairing them with jackets or sweaters to counter the evening chill. I'm gladly jumping on the pinstripe bandwagon with this vintage blazer I got a couple of years ago, not because pinstripe is supposed to be an autumn trend or whatever, but because I've always had a penchant for it. I just hope it doesn't get too popular (or is it too late already?), that's usually quite a turn off for me.


shirt dress: Vero Moda / blazer: vintage / sandals: Jean Paul Gaultier x Melissa / bracelet: H&M / sunglasses: no name


Unknown said...

LOve that blazer doll

Unknown said...

Dobro da bolje ne moze!;)

moiminnie said...

Jos jedan dokaz da su vintage komadi nezamenjivi i da se moda uvek vraca! I ja imam problem da se oprostim od leta, zaklela sam se da cu ici golih nogu dok temperatura ne padne ispod 15. Videcemo kako ce se to zavrsiti doduse.

InnyVinny said...

This is painfully good. I haven't seen a ton of pinstripes (yet) so here's hoping you can enjoy them for a while.

random cat said...

to je jedino iole podnosljivo kod oprastanja od leta- farmerke i sandale, jakna i sandale, itd.... :)

Evelina said...

Super izgledaš. Malo dolgo te ni bilo na spregled, upam da si uživala poletje in pravtako se vidi da si delala na postavi. Hudo.

Instant Milk said...

I Loved your blog! You can count on seeing me back here again (and often)!

Oh, I just started following you by the way on Bloglovin! Hope you come by my blog sometime too! Would love to know what you think about it, and maybe follow me back if you like it? We can follow each other everywhere :D

I'm copying my links here for you, so you can just click on them <3:
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melissa said...

My latest post is also about transitioning but instead of black I am in white ;)

Sophia Molen said...

Love the pinstripe blazer!

Personal blog: Tao of Sophia
Founder of Blog and The City

cyeoms said...

excellent transit outfit. i for one am going to be rocking many summer things with giant coats on them to pretend they are fall appropriate, we'll see how that goes..